How to match lip makeup to skin tone?

Lip makeup plays an important role especially while talking about the entire appearance in general. However, to make the colour of lips suit each of us well, lipstick shade has to match our skin tone. Find out how to achieve this goal in order to feel pretty and trendy.

We’re choosing the best lipstick

In a drugstore you can find plenty of cosmetics designed for lip makeup: lipsticks, lip glosses, lip varnishes, lip balms, and tinted lip balms. You can also pick and choose among finish delivered by a particular product: matte, semi-matte, satine, pearl and metallic. And obviously there is this countless amount of shades that we have to match to the complexion. After all, application of either too warm or too cool tone of a cosmetic can create undesirable effects.

So how to match lipstick shade to skin tone? Look at the capillaries that are visible through your face skin and hand skin. If they are greenish, then your complexion is warm, whereas if they are blueish, your complexion is cool. Basically, you can also have a neutral complexion. In this case, all colours will suit you equally well.

While choosing the right lipstick, you should also take into consideration the size of your lips. As you probably know it, dark colours make things look smaller, whereas light colours make things bigger than they really are. For that reason, dark lipsticks should be used by full-lip owners mainly. Light colours definitely look better on women with narrow lips.

How to match lipstick to complexion?

  • Pale skin owners should go for intensive and saturated lipsticks, yet not too vivid. Avoid yellow and light shades because your face might lose its shine and fresh looks. Remember that light shades of lipsticks will be almost invisible if your complexion is fair.
  • Medium tone complexion will look good… no matter the lipstick shade used. It’s important though to match it to your favourite colour tone. Bear in mind not to overdo with the intensity of the colour cosmetic, or lack of it.
  • Olive complexion looks neat when accentuated with nude shades, placed somewhere between cool and warm tones. If your complexion is olive, let your outfit and mood choose the lipstick shade.
  • Dark complexion goes with intensive colours. Such lipsticks will look good, even if you apply a really dark shade. Avoid light lipsticks that may make you look silly.