Making sacrifices for fabulous appearance? Check out the weirdest beauty trends & treatments

Somebody once said that beauty requires sacrifice and by looking at weird, modern-day trends, we guess people really believe that. Let’s take a look at the most untypical beauty treatments you might want to try (but don’t have to!).

There are lots of people ready for making sacrifices to improve their appearance. No wonder then that salons keep offering unusual treatments whose popularity is still growing, just like the demand for online beauty guides on how to look young and lovely. Some ideas are really strange!

Take a look at the weirdest (and often painful) trends and procedures that people worldwide rave about.


Cactus massage

I’m sure just thinking about a cactus massage sends shivers up and down your spine… Let the fear go! This treatment is very popular in Mexico and uses just the leaves of cactus, not the prickles! It’s painless and has an amazing effect on skin. Nutrients included in cactus aid in purifying the skin, moisturizing and rejuvenating it intensively.

Massage given by a… snake

This one is for the fearless; a snake is supposed to move all over your body, treating it with the antiaging power. This type of treatment is popular mostly in Israel. A snake massage is one of the tourist attractions in this region. Interestingly, a given snake has a specific way of massaging. Depending on which one you pick, they treat various ailments: stiff muscles, pain, etc.


Manual dermabrasion is a bit dangerous and requires lots of precision. It is also known as scalpel shaving! Why? The procedure involves scraping dead skin cells with a scalpel held at a 45-degree angle. Provided the treatment is done correctly, it makes skin smooth, soft and rested-looking.

Fish pedicure

Pedicure done by tiny Garra rufa fish is a very popular treatment known to virtually everyone these days. Still, the idea of putting feet inside a tank filled with hundreds of fish might be a bit scary. It is said to be both effective and pleasurable, leaving you with smooth feet clear of dead cells. A warning, don’t go for it if you’re ticklish.

Bird poo facial

Few people know that many spa salons’ hottest antiaging treatment is… bird poo facial! The mask is based on the odorless extract which doesn’t look like what it’s been originally… Still, it’s one of the weirdest facials. Here’s a fun fact: a bird poo facial is one of the most popular beauty treatments among geishas.

Beer bath

Cleopatra bathed in milk which was supposed to guarantee everlasting youth. What about today’s tricks? A beer bath is getting more and more popular and it’s said to relax muscles, improve blood flow, clear the body of toxins and regulate metabolism. Nutritional ingredients included in beer (in hop, to be more precise) additionally have a beneficial effect on hair, skin and nails, making them smooth and resilient.

Hay bath

A bath in hay is yet another unusual beauty treatment. Can you take a bath in hay? It turns out you can and it’s one of the hottest spa treatments these days! This type of bath is good for exhausted, overworked people and osteoarthritis sufferers. Hay is said to improve mobility of joints, have anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate pain. Hay used in a bath must be rich in healing herbs which both smell amazing as well as relax and enhance blood flow e.g. shamrock, camomile, mint, nettle, thyme, setwall, common dandelion.


The trend for using leeches to improve the appearance was started by Hollywood celebrities. Lots of actresses, singers and models vouch for the leech therapy. It is said that 10 leeches attached to the skin can effectively break blood clots and detoxify the body. Is it really worth it?