How to take care of your lips? Thanks to these tricks, your lip mekup will last longer

beauty.jpgSmooth, firm and moisturized lips are many women’s dream. What to do to enhance their condition and be able to do a long-lasting makeup? Fortunately, there are simple rules thanks to which you will achieve this effect and you will be able to enjoy a flawless look.

Beauty habits

Regardless of the season, whether you are extremely tired or you think everything is OK, you should always take care of the lips according to the same rules. Only by working out a specific beauty ritual you will be able to do a long-lasting, beautiful and professional makeup. Make sure that your lips are never chapped, irritated and dry, otherwise, applying lipstick will become literally impossible, and the end result will not be as you planned. You can incorporate conditioning lipsticks and lip balms into these principles. However, bear in mind that even such beneficial products will not provide a nice result if your lips are not taken care of well enough.

At-home lip care

It does not take much time and can be a pleasant activity. All you have to do is plan it wisely and carry it out regularly. First of all, apply lip balms on a daily basis. They can be colourless or slightly tinted. The most important, however, is that they have a moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating effect and contain a lot of conditioning ingredients. The less artificial substances (parabens, dyes and fragrances), the better for your lips. Second, exfoliate your lips systematically. Exfoliation of the epidermis will help you to paint the lips and extend the durability of makeup. Also, remember to apply a generous amount of moisturizing lip balm after each scrub.

How to properly apply lipstick?

With the right application, your makeup will last longer and it will be nicer-looking. You can apply primer or foundation to your lips. An ordinary tissue to collect sebum from the lips will work just as well. Then, contour the lips with a lip liner to prevent smudging. Use a brush to apply a lipstick, wait a while and apply a second coat. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not allowed to tighten the newly painted lips. Try not to do it, and you’ll see that makeup will look much better.